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What is Flexible Cable?

Flexible Cable, also referred to as Flexing Cable, is a cable that provides extra flexibility and durability for applications with challenging cable positioning or motion. In most constructions, they have PVC or neoprene jacketing and insulation. Cables that require flexibility but are in stationary applications may not be considered Flexing Cable.

How many types of Flexible Cable are there?

There are four common types of cable flexing movements. These include rolling flex, bending flex or "tic-toc," torsional flex, and variable/random motion flex. These cables are meant for repetitive motions. There are also cables that feature flexibility for generally stationary applications.

What types of applications is Flexible Cable used for?

Flexible Cable is utilized in numerous applications to withstand the extreme stress of flexing and motion. A few applications include drag chain applications, applications with repetitive bending and torsion stress, machine tools, data processing equipment, robotics, assembly lines, automation networking, microprocessors, computer interconnects, and suspension applications.

Which Flexible Cables meet industry standards?

Allied Wire and Cable distributes flexible cable styles that meet various approvals. Flexible cable may be UL Listed, CSA certified, CE marked, and can meet military specifications. However, every flexible cable is different, so make sure to specify if your flexible cable needs one or more standards to be met.

If you need a flexible cable that has extra specifications, we can also help you design a custom-made flexing cable that meets both your needs and industry standards.

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Custom Flex Festoon Cable
Flexible vs Flexing Cable