{{category.categoryName}} - ({{category.products.length}})

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Bargain Bin Deals

Check out the latest Allied Wire & Cable Bargain Bin Deals by clicking on the category of wire you need. Then filter down to the type and part you are seeking. Simply click "Add to Cart" and add as many items to your cart without leaving the page. When your ready to complete your purchase, click "View My Cart" after the last item is added in or navigate to the cart icon above the main navigation.

Part Number: {{vm.selectedProduct.product.erpNumber}}

Bargain Bin: Reel in the savings and buy {{vm.selectedProduct.product.shortDescription}} at deep discounts.

Bargain Bin is based on availability. While we do our best to give you the quantities listed, we reserve the right to substitute a quantity that is up to 20% more. All items purchased from Bargain Bin are non-cancellable and non-returnable.
Length Price Color Description
{{product.length}} ${{product.price}} {{product.color}} {{product.colorDescription}}
{{attributeValue.valueDisplay}}{{$last ? '' : ', '}}

Quick Buy: Purchase standard put-ups of {{vm.selectedProduct.product.shortDescription}}

Purchases made online are subject to stock requirements. Any order limitations will be addressed before the order is fully processed.