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Color Code Chart No. 1

1st Black 15th Red/Black 29th White/Black/Brown
2nd White 16th White/Black 30th White/Black/Orange
3rd Red 17th White/Red 31st White/Black/Grey
4th Green 18th White/Green 32nd White/Black/Violet
5th Brown 19th White/Yellow 33rd White/Black/Black
6th Blue 20th White/Blue 34th White/Red/Black
7th Orange 21st White/Brown 35th White/Red/Red
8th Yellow 22nd White/Orange 36th White/Red/Green
9th Purple 23rd White/Grey 37th White/Red/Blue
10th Grey 24th White/Violet 38th White/Red/Brown
11th Pink 25th White/Black/Red 39th White/Red/Violet
12th Tan 26th White/Black/Green 40th White/Green/Black
13th Red/Green 27th White/Black/Yellow 41st White/Green/Red
14th Red/Yellow 28th White/Black/Blue 42nd White/Green/Green

Color Code Chart No. 2 and 2R

1st Black 18th Orange/Red 35th White/Red/Orange
2nd White 19th Blue/Red 36th Orange/White/Blue
3rd Red 20th Red/Green 37th White/Red/Blue
4th Green 21st Orange/Green 38th Black/White/Green
5th Brown 22nd Black/White/Red 39th White/Black/Green
6th Blue 23rd White/Black/Red 40th Red/White/Green
7th White/Black 24th Red/Black/White 41st Green/White/Black
8th Red/Black 25th Green/Black/White 42nd Orange/Red/Green
9th Green/Black 26th Orange/Black/White 43rd Blue/Red/Green
10th Orange/Black 27th Blue/Black/White 44th Black/White/Blue
11th Blue/Black 28th Black/Red/Green 45th White/Black/Blue
12th Black/White 29th White/Red/Green 46th Red/White/Blue
13th Red/White 30th Red/Black/Green 47th Green/Orange/Red
14th Green/White 31st Green/Black/Orange 48th Orange/Red/Blue
15th Blue/White 32nd Orange/Black/Green 49th Blue/Orange/Red
16th Black/Red 33rd Blue/White/Orange 50th Black/Orange/Red
17th White/Red 34th Black/White/Orange
(ICEA - Insulated Cable Engineers Association Standard)
2R - These cables feature band striping.
2 - These cables feature a spiral stripe.

Color Code Chart No. 3 for Paired Cable

1st Black & Red 14th Green & White 27th Brown & Orange
2nd Black & White 15th Green & Blue 28th Orange & Yellow
3rd Black & Green 16th Green & Yellow 29th Purple & Orange
4th Black & Blue 17th Green & Brown 30th Purple & Red
5th Black & Yellow 18th Green & Orange 31st Purple & White
6th Black & Brown 19th White & Blue 32nd Purple & Green
7th Black & Orange 20th White & Yellow 33rd Purple & Light Blue
8th Red & White 21st White & Brown 34th Purple & Yellow
9th Red & Green 22nd White & Orange 35th Purple & Brown
10th Red & Blue 23rd Blue & Yellow 36th Purple & Black
11th Red & Yellow 24th Blue & Brown 37th Gray & White
12th Red & Brown 25th Blue & Orange
13th Red & Orange 26th Brown & Yellow

Color Code Chart No. 4 for Paired Cable

1st White & Blue 10th Red & Gray 19th Yellow & Brown
2nd White & Orange 11th Black & Blue 20th Yellow & Gray
3rd White & Green 12th Black & Orange 21st Purple & Blue
4th White & Brown 13th Black & Green 22nd Purple & Orange
5th White & Gray 14th Black & Brown 23rd Purple & Green
6th Red & Blue 15th Black & Gray 24th Purple & Brown
7th Red & Orange 16th Yellow & Blue 25th Purple & Gray
8th Red & Green 17th Yellow & Orange
9th Red & Brown 18th Yellow & Green

Color Code Chart No. 5 for Multi-Conductor Cable

1st Black 35th White/Red/Orange 69th White/Black/Orange/Green
2nd Brown 36th White/Red/Yellow 70th White/Black/Orange/Blue
3rd Red 37th White/Red/Green 71st White/Black/Orange/Violet
4th Orange 38th White/Red/Blue 72nd White/Black/Orange/Gray
5th Yellow 39th White/Red/Violet 73rd White/Black/Yellow/Green
6th Green 40th White/Red/Gray 74th White/Black/Yellow/Blue
7th Blue 41st White/Orange/Yellow 75th White/Black/Yellow/Violet
8th Purple 42nd White/Orange/Green 76th White/Black/Yellow/Gray
9th Gray 43rd White/Orange/Blue 77th White/Black/Green/Blue
10th White 44th White/Orange/Violet 78th White/Black/Green/Violet
11th White/Black 45th White/Orange/Gray 79th White/Black/Green/Gray
12th White/Brown 46th White/Yellow/Gray 80th White/Black/Blue/Violet
13th White/Red 47th White/Yellow/Blue 81st White/Black/Blue/Gray
14th White/Orange 48th White/Yellow/Violet 82nd White/Black/Violet/Gray
15th White/Yellow 49th White/Yellow/Gray 83rd White/Brown/Red/Orange
16th White/Green 50th White/Green/Blue 84th White/Brown/Red/Yellow
17th White/Blue 51st White/Green/Violet 85th White/Brown/Red/Green
18th White/Purple 52nd White/Green/Gray 86th White/Brown/Red/Blue
19th White/Gray 53rd White/Blue/Violet 87th White/Brown/Red/Violet
20th White/Black/Brown 54th White/Blue/Gray 88th White/Brown/Red/Gray
21st White/Black/Red 55th White/Violet/Gray 89th White/Brown/Orange/Yellow
22nd White/Black/Orange 56th White/Black/Brown/Red 90th White/Brown/Orange/Green
23rd White/Black/Yellow 57th White/Black/Brown/Orange 91st White/Brown/Orange/Blue
24th White/Black/Green 58th White/Black/Brown/Yello 92nd White/Brown/Orange/Violet
25th White/Black/Blue 59th White/Black/Brown/Green 93rd White/Brown/Orange/Grey
26th White/Black/Violet 60th White/Black/Brown/Blue 94th White/Brown/Yellow/Green
27th White/Black/Gray 61st White/Black/Brown/Violet 95th White/Brown/Yellow/Blue
28th White/Brown/Red 62nd White/Black/Brown/Gray 96th White/Brown/Yellow/Violet
29th White/Brown/Orange 63rd White/Black/Red/Yellow 97th White/Brown/Yellow/Gray
30th White/Brown/Yellow 64th White/Black/Red/Green 98th White/Brown/Green/Blue
31st White/Brown/Green 65th White/Black/Red/Blue 99th White/Brown/Green/Violet
32nd White/Brown/Blue 66th White/Black/Red/Violet 100th White/Brown/Green/Gray
33rd White/Brown/Violet 67th White/Black/Red/Gray
34th White/Brown/Gray 68th White/Black/Orange/Yellow

Color Code Chart No. 6 for Paired Cable

Pair No. Color Combination Pair No. Color Combination Pair No. Color Combination
1. White - Blue Stripe
Blue - White Stripe
10. Red - Gray Stripe
Gray - Red Stripe
19. Yellow - Brown Stripe
Brown - Yellow Stripe

White - Orange Stripe
Orange - White Stripe
11. Black - Blue Stripe
Blue - Black Stripe
20. Yellow - Gray Stripe
Gray - Yellow Stripe
3. White - Green Stripe
Green - White Stripe
12. Black - Orange Stripe
Orange - Black Stripe
21. Purple - Blue Stripe
Blue - Purple Stripe
4. White - Brown Stripe
Brown - White Stripe
13. Black - Green Stripe
Green - Black Stripe
22. Purple - Orange Stripe
Orange - Purple Stripe
5. White - Gray Stripe
Gray - White Stripe
14. Black - Brown Stripe
Brown - Black Stripe
23. Purple - Green Stripe
Green - Purple Stripe
6. Red - Blue Stripe
Blue - Red Stripe
15. Black - Gray Stripe
Gray - Black Stripe
24. Purple - Brown Stripe
Brown - Purple Stripe
7. Red - Orange Stripe
Orange - Red Stripe
16. Yellow - Blue Stripe
Blue - Yellow Stripe
25. Purple - Gray Stripe
Gray - Purple Stripe
8. Red - Green Stripe
Green - Red Stripe
17. Yellow - Orange Stripe
Orange - Yellow Stripe
9. Red - Brown Stripe
Brown - Red Stripe
18. Yellow - Green Stripe
Green - Yellow Stripe

Color Code Chart No. 6 for Multi-Conductor Cable

No. of Cond. Color
1 Black

3 Clear

Color Code Chart No. 7 for Multi-Conductor Cable

No. of Cond. Color No. of Cond. Color
1 Black 5 Blue

White 6 Brown
3 Red 7 Yellow
4 Green 8 Orange

Color Code Chart No. 8 for Multi-Conductor Cable

No. of Cond. Color No. of Cond. Color No. of Cond. Color
1 Black 10 Orange/Black 19 Blue/Red

White 11 Blue/Black 20 Red/Green
3 Red 12 Black/White 21 Orange/Green
4 Green 13 Red/White 22 Black/White/Red
5 Orange 14 Green/White 23 White/Black/Red
6 Blue 15 Blue/White 24 Red/Black/White
7 White/Black 16 Black/Red 25 Green/Black/White
8 Red/Black 17 White/Red
9 Green/Black 18 Orange/Red

Color Code Chart No. 9 for Multi-Conductor Cable

No. of Cond. Color
1 Black
2 Red
3 White
4 Green
5 Yellow
6 Blue

Color Code Chart No. 11 for Multi-Paired Cable

Pair No. Color Combination Pair No. Color Combination
1. Black paired with White 7. White/Blue paired with Blue/White

Red paired with Green 8. White/Brown paired with Brown/White
3. Brown paired with Blue 9. White/Orange paired with Orange/White
4. Orange paired with Yellow 10. White/Green paired with Green/White
5. Violet paired with Gray 11. White/Red paired with Red/White
6. Tan paired with Pink 12. White/Black paired with Black/White
Single Conductor: Green with Yellow Stripe

Color Code Chart No. 13 for Thermostat Wire

No. of Cond. Color
2 White, Red

White, Red, Green
4 White, Red, Green, Blue
5 White, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow
6 White, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Brown
7 White, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Brown, Orange
8 White, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Brown, Orange, Black
9 White, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Brown, Orange, Black, Purple
10 White, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Brown, Orange, Black, Purple, Gray

Color Code Chart No. 15 for Low-Voltage Sprinkler Wire

1 Black 4 Green 7 Blue 10 Purple
2 White 5 Orange 8 Brown
3 Red 6 Yellow 9 Gray